If you've lived in Trinity County for ten or more years you may remember that there was once an Awana Club here in our small community. It began in the 70's and continued until about 2012 when the Awana Commander, (now known as the Awana Ministries Director), moved away and there was nobody to take his place.
But wait- What exactly is Awana?
Wait a minute... let's rewind! You may, in fact, not know what Awana actually is. A.W.A.N.A is an acronym that stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Afraid," and it comes from the following verse:
"Study to show yourself approved unto God. A workmen that needeth not be ashamed." 2 Timothy 2:15
Okay, but what is it?
Awana is a nondenominational bible focused club that was founded in 1941 by Art Rorheim. The vision of Awana has always been to create fun and excitement for children while learning about the Word of God. And before you go thinking that it's a super small organization, guess again! Awana is in 66,000 churches across the U.S and has expanded to 126 countries worldwide! I get chills just thinking about the lives being changed by this club and through it's volunteers.

Who, What, Where??
I can see it now- you're just itching to have more information about this exciting and oh-so-rewarding club. Alright, alright I'll tell you!
Every club is different, but here at Trinity Awana club will begin the first Wednesday after Labor Day and run through May. Club meetings will happen once a week on Wednesday evenings with the exception of some breaks in observance of holidays. The nightly schedule will consist of large group time where the kids hear a bible story and worship, small group time where they work closely with their leaders to work on their handbooks and game time where they have fun and play games, of course!

Intrigued? We're not done yet! On top of the fun activities mentioned above, each club night has a different theme. Theme examples are crazy sock night, pajama night, glow stick night, etc... Kids can choose to participate in dress up or not. (Check out all of the upcoming theme nights here) However, Sparks who choose to participate will earn Awana Bucks to spend at the Awana Store a few times a year. They can also earn bucks for remembering their handbook each week, showing up for club and bringing a friend! I told you it sounds fun, right?
Who can attend?
Great question! We will be offering the Awana club for ages 3 (& potty trained) to 12 years old. (Interested in signing your child up? Click here to register!) If we have enough volunteers we may be able to offer it to older kids as well as toddlers! Speaking of volunteers, let's talk about that...
How can I get involved?
Volunteers. Honestly, we can not run a successful club without them. It is with their servant's heart and eagerness to serve that we can reach the hearts of these children. Trust me, as someone who attended Awana 30 years ago, and has been volunteering an hour away for the last four years, there are some instances where you are the only safe space for some of these children and they need people just like you. Yes, I said you. The one who has made it this far in the article, read the word "volunteer" at the beginning of this paragraph and read on.
There is a wide array of ways to serve this club and if you're interested, check out this list of volunteer opportunities.
Say it louder for those in the back!
Just to reiterate, this club is for everyone and belongs to the entire community of Trinity County. It doesn't matter what church you attend, it doesn't matter what your history with Faith is, it doesn't matter how often you attend church. This club is for all, and you and your children are welcome here.

If you have questions about the program, attending or getting involved do not hesitate to contact the Awana Ministries Director, Kaila Arnold, at KailaDArnold@gmail.com
See you in the Fall!
Kaila Arnold,
Awana Ministries Director