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Make a Difference

Get Involved

One of the most rewarding things you can do is help bring the Word of God to children. There's nothing like seeing their faces light up when they successfully memorize a new verse and earn a patch for their vest. Volunteers are essential to running an Awana program in our community, and it doesn't take but a couple hours a week of your time; perhaps less depending on the position. Let's take a look at the different volunteer opportunities there are. Each one is vital to these children!


Volunteer Opportunities

Awana Ministries Director- Oversees more than one Awana® club and/or youth program in a local church. Responsibilities include communicating vision, shepherding leaders, managing administrative duties and communicating to church leadership, parents, children and leaders


Club Directors- Oversees one Awana club program. Responsibilities include communicating vision, shepherding leaders, managing administrative duties and communicating to church leadership, parents, children and leaders. Each group (Cubbies, Sparks, T&T) gets thier own Director.


Large Group Leader- Teaches children or youth age-appropriate Bible lessons in a large group setting.


Game Director- Plans and leads age-appropriate games during Game Time. May direct Game Time in one or more age groups.


Leaders- Builds relationships with a small group of children to help them learn and understand handbook sections and Bible lessons. Actively participates in all club segements.


Listeners- Supports the leader by listening to kids recite sections during Handbook Time.


Student Leader- Teenager who serves as an Awana leader.


Secretary- Provides administrative support by maintaining attendance records, achievement records, tracking inventory and placing orders. May support one or more clubs.


Song Leader- Leads song time in an age-appropriate way in a large group setting. May sing, play an instrument and/or lead hand motions.


Standby Volunteer- This is a volunteer position with less commitment needed. If a volunteer calls out sick, the leaders would call those on the standby list and ask them to come in and cover.


Craft Team- The craft team meets once a month to prepare craft projects for the children of Cubbies and Sparks. This is a great way to get involved if you don't have much time to offer but have a desire to help. It's also a great excuse to meet up with friends once a month to get crafty as well!


Other Ways to Help

Though becoming a volunteer is wonderful and so very rewarding, not everyone is able to commit to that. So, if you have a desire in your heart to help Trinity Awana thrive, but can not commit to a volunteer position at this time, here are a few other ways you can make a great impact for the community:


Make a Financial Donation- Believe it or not, running a successful Awana program takes not only time, but money also. There are many expenses behind the scenes that go into making the club run smoothly. Every dollar donated to our club goes directly to making the club the best it can be for the children of our community. Contributions also go to help sponsor children who could otherwise not afford to attend the club due to financial obligations.


Volunteer Temporarily- We have many outreach opportunities happening over the summer to prepare for the club to begin in the Fall and throughout the year. If you'd like to be involved here and there and are just looking to get your toes wet there are many opportunities such as: 


  • Passing out flyers at the 4th of July parade

  • Working a table with info at the 4th of July celebrations

  • Setting up and cleaning up for the Ice Cream Social

  • Preparing the clubbers gear for the first night at Awana

  • Help kids work on their Grand Prix pinewood cars

  • Set up for special events

  • Other outreach opportunities in the community


Prayer- More than anything, we need prayers for our community. Please pray that the churches all throughout our community come forth to work together and link arms to bring this awesome opportunity to all the children in Trinity. Pray that we have an abundance of volunteers that come forth with a eager desire to serve Christ and these children and that we bring the energy, the patience and the love every week.


Prayer is the most powerful tool we have and we would so appreciate your prayers for our club and for every volunteer who steps forward to commit their time and hearts to this club.



Interested in volunteering? Fill this out!

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

"God chose to work through an ordinary untrained man like me to do extraordinary things. All I ever did was say, 'Lord, I'm willing to do whatever you ask me to do. I want to be faithful to Your call."

Art Rorheim, Founder of Awana

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